Welcome to
the reel image
The Reel Image's aim is to provide reviews, test reports, old catalogues, magazines and box artwork scans from the golden age of film collecting right up to the present day. In fact anything to do with magic of collecting film on film.
The film gauges featured are mainly standard 8mm, super 8mm, 16mm and 9.5mm.
Just some of the new sections to be added over the coming months:
Catalogue scans,
Magazine scans,
Box Artwork,
Test Reports and more.
If you have any old film catalogues, magazines, box art work that you can loan to The Reel Image for scanning they are most welcome. Or you can submit them online. Reviews are also welcome, in fact most items related to film collecting. Our e-mail address contact us please put Submission in the subject line or they will just go into the spam bin.

Some of the test reports were kindly supplied by Mike Peckham.
For Steve Osbourne's website
The site has not really had an update for quite a long time, but the work has now started.
At present the old site is still up. All the reviews are slowly moving over to this section,, but you can still visit by following this link Reel Image. Until all the reviews are on the updated site they will remain on the old part.